Friday, May 08, 2009

committed to small town Pastors

In case you haven't heard yet, the Sticks conference was cancelled. Here's the complete story from Charles Hill, the Sticks founder.

Although it's disappointing, I'm sure something positive will come out of it. The thing I am disappointed about the most is that I will not get to meet some of my fellow small-town Pastors.

I know there were many people who had registered for the conference that were hoping that they might hear something that would help them to better reach their communities. I want to help.

Here is what I am offering to any of the people who were registered for the conference: If you have a specific question or two that you think I may be able to help you with, email our church office ( (use "question for Greg" on the subject line), and leave your contact info, and I will get in touch with you and try to answer your questions.

Looking forward to connecting with you!

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