Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Playing like a team

Got a chance to go watch the Clemson/Maryland basketball game with Josh last night. Clemson played an incredible game, and won it by 29 points!
What made it really amazing was the way the team played together. Ten different players scored points (6 different players hit 3-pointers), and six players ended up in double figures--- that's the power of a team.

The church, when it's functioning properly has that same potential. When every person steps up and contributes something there is tremendous power. Conversely when a church has people who either are focused on themselves or refuse to contribute, things unravel quickly.

One of the things that I love about Foothills, is that there is this tremendous sense that we are on a mission together. People are recognizing that they bring something valuable to the table. We have more people actively involved than at any other time in our history.

If you haven't yet discovered where you fit into the team, why don't you stop by the welcome center this Sunday and we'll see if we can't point you in the right direction.

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