Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LEADER (part 5)

The second "E" in L.E.A.D.E.R. is:

E xpresses truth--no matter what.

Honesty is not only the "best policy"-- it's the "only policy".

Leaders need to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, even when it's difficult.

Some leaders seem to be deceptive, and give a lot of 1/2 truths.

Here's the reason why being honest is so important; it gives you credibility. When we mess up and are honest enough to admit that, people respect our authenticity.

I have worked for people who were less than honest and you always have a sense that, something just isn't right. You get to the point where you're not sure what's truth and what's a fabrication. That's a very unhealthy environment.

When doing our staff reviews I have found that it is extremely important to be very honest. People need to know exactly where they stand. They need to know what areas they are doing well on, and which ones they need to work on. If we are afraid to be honest and give a good review, but there are areas that need improvement, then we are doing them a disservice. They need (and want) us to be honest.

Next time I am going to wrap up this series of posts with the "R" in L.E.A.D.E.R.

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