Monday, September 21, 2009

Leaders (part 3)

The "A" in Leaders stands for Admonish. Great Leaders:

A dmonish when necessary.

Colossians 3:16 says to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom.

Great leaders are not afraid to confront people when necessary. It has been said that confrontation is the greatest form of love. It's hard to do, but when you truly care about people you become willing to take the relational risk associated with admonishment.

It's a whole lot easier to let things slide, but if you keep in mind, the goal of admonishment is actually to help another person, then it's a little easier.

Admonishment is not meant to be critical it is meant to correct. It's designed to spur a person on to a higher way of living.

I remember reading about former Miami Dolphin head coach, Don Shula. he was once talking to a reporter and was asked about on of his players mistake during practice. He said, "we never let an error go unchallenged." the reporter then asked, "isn't there a benefit in overlooking one small flaw?" He responded by saying, "uncorrected errors multiply. You've got to face them someday, so you might as well face them on the spot."

Over the years I have found that there are some keys to proper admonishment. Here's a list:

** Admonish quickly.
** Admonish in private (praise in public)
** Pray before confronting
** Admonish in love
** Check your motives

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