Thursday, August 06, 2009

Vacation reflections

Sometimes coming back to work after being on vacation takes a few days to get acclimated once again. Fortunately it didn't take me long!

During my time off, I got a chance to reflect a bit about life and ministry. Here are few of my thoughts:

** I must be totally dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit for anything significant to happen in my life.

** I have no desire to waste my life by playing it safe. I want to live by faith. I want to take risk. I want to make an impact.

** I am way too insulated from the "real world". I live in a ministry bubble, that by its very nature, cuts me off from interaction with non-Christians.

** I want to see Foothills Community Church experience the same type of movement of God that the Acts 2 church experienced!

** I desire more than anything else, to be used by God in a significant way.

** I want Foothills Community Church to have more impact from a global perspective.

** I am not interested in church growth through slick programs or promotions. I want God to do something so significant that there would be nothing human that we could point to, when trying to explain what is happening at Foothills Community Church.

** I desire to be a church that produces true disciples of Jesus.

There are so many other things that I am praying about. But one thing I am convinced about, and that is our best days as a church are still in front of us. I am so excited to serve God with each of you!

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