Monday, January 14, 2008

Sunday reflections

*Yesterday was awesome! We kicked off our new series, "Obey" and every aspect of the entire day was clicking.

*Eric Peters, our worship guy and his team sounded as good as I have ever heard them.

*Bill Swindle knocked it of the park singing the Third Day tune, There's a light at the End of the Tunnel"

*We had big numbers again yesterday----over 1,600 people! Tons of new faces and lots more returning and making Sunday mornings at Foothills a regular part of their week.

*I think we've had around 100 people sign up for our Belong (membership) class in the last 2 weeks!

*We've got 2 Grouplink opportunities this week. You can come either Monday or Tuesday at 7:00pm. If you've never been in a LIFE group, but have always wanted to try one, this is your chance.

*Sometimes doing 4 services in one day takes it's toll on you. Yesterday was one of them. I had a meltdown in the 6:00pm service. I actually forgot Abraham's name. Now keep in mind that I had preached on Abraham for 3 services already at this point. I probably said the name "Abraham" over 100 times, but for some reason I went blank. I called him "Moses" once and then a little later I actually called Abraham, "Eric".
I have a sneaking suspicion that I will see that again in our bloopers video.
I guess I'm losing it!

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