Friday, January 04, 2008

Hannah Montana tickets

By now I'm sure you have heard the sad story of Priscilla Ceballos, the mother from Texas who helped her daughter concoct a lie about having a father who died in the war in Iraq so she could win some tickets to see Hannah Montana.
Well today I heard her apology, and I must say she did sound very contrite, but I wonder how much of that is because she got busted.
I'm not sure but I doubt she will be chosen for Mother Of The Year. It's actually pretty sad. But the real tragedy is that her 6 year old daughter, who instead of being taught the virtue of honesty and truthfulness by her mother, was taught that if you want something bad enough you do whatever is necessary to get it.
Not only that but it dishonors all of the families who actually have lost a brave loved one who died protecting our freedoms.
Oh well, welcome to the 21st century.
Priscilla, What were you thinking?

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