Sunday, May 11, 2008

sunday debrief

We kicked off our Shine series today. It was incredible.
We designed the service to last 45 minutes and then for the last 15 minutes I challenged our people to walk next door into the lobby of our new building where we had about 50 tables set up with information on around 100 service projects all over this county. We had everything from jobs to build wheelchair ramps for the elderly to clean up of schools and parks, to food collection---you name it, we had it.
Our goal was to have 1,000 people sign up for a half day of service next Saturday. I don't know the numbers for sure but my guess is we will have closer to 1,200 people! Think about that, 1,200 people who will volunteer to serve our community next week. Awesome!
Foothills people, you blow me away. You always seem to rise to the challenge. I am proud to be your Pastor.
Next week we will be doing baptisms in all 4 services. Put on your seatbelts, it's going to be crazy!

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