Monday, May 05, 2008

Big things happening at Foothills

Here are a couple of thoughts that are running through my mind today:

** Yesterdays services at Foothills were fantastic---possibly the most important message I've ever done.

** Strong attendance, especially considering it was Commitment Sunday for a mini capital campaign

** Not sure how much was pledged yet. Hopefully enough to cover some of our move-in costs

** In one way or another I have incorporated the vision of Foothills in about every message for the last 6-8 weeks

** I believe that it is absolutely true that if your vision isn't big enough that people are leaving, then your vision is too small!

** This Sunday we will unveil Shine 2008. It is a community service project on steroids. Foothills is going to turn this County upside-down with acts of service

** Believe it or not we are going to let people out early this Sunday!

** May 18th we will be doing baptisms in all 4 services. Don't miss out

** They delivered our children's playscape and (I think) our seats for the auditorium for the new building (a little early, but when we ordered them we thought we would be moving in in May)

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