Thursday, May 15, 2008

customer service

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my TV is on the blink, so I was going to break down and buy a new one. I shopped everywhere and decided on purchasing one online. The company that I purchased from had good reviews from their customers, so I felt pretty good about it.
Anyway, it was scheduled to be delivered last Thursday. I was told to make sure someone would be there from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. That was no problem because I work from my home on Thursday afternoons. At about 4:15pm they were still not there, so I called the shipping company who told me that my TV was stolen in a break-in at their warehouse. I asked the lady why no one bothered to call and she said, "I don't know."
She then told me that I needed to call the place that I bought it from (in New Jersey), and tell them what happened. I called and was transferred to apparently their Customer Service Manager. He wasn't there, so I left a voice mail. I never heard back Thursday so I called again Friday. Left another message. Called back 2 more times on Friday, and left 2 more messages. Never got a returned call. Didn't hear back on Saturday, or Sunday or Monday. So I called again on Tuesday, and told the person my dilemma and she transferred me to the manager. I told him that I had left 4 messages. He told me he was sorry, but they had been very busy.
He sent out another TV Tuesday afternoon and if all goes well I will receive it next Thursday.

But here's my question, is bad service just normal these days? Let's face it there are plenty of excuses for not providing good service.

After my experience I began to wonder about the Church in general. I have been in churches where I was treated like an inconvenience to them. We should ask ourselves, Do our guests (customers) feel like we are doing everything that we can to make sure that it is an enjoyable experience for them. Wouldn't it be great if we could exceed their expectations when it came to our guest services?

At Foothills, we have made an effort to do that. Our First impression Pastor, Brian Marshall and his team do an excellent job of making sure that our guests have such a great experience that they want to come back.

Even if you aren't in the position to have a Pastor of First Impressions, you should have someone who volunteers to oversee this crucial ministry in every church.

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