Friday, February 29, 2008

Leadership qualities 1

I am going to start a series of posts on Leadership qualities that are totally transfreable to any type of leadership. I hope to touch on some of the not so obvious ones that sometimes get overlooked.
Today I want to talk about ENDURANCE. Endurance is the ability to hang on and press forward in spite of challenges.
When I think of leaders with endurance, I think of guys (and gals) who have stood the test of time and remained faithful. Leaders like Billy Graham, Bill Hybels, Rick Warren and others that endured through criticism, and being misunderstood to achieve the goal that God had called them to.
Endurance is sometimes overlooked because it's not flashy or sexy. Leaders with endurance just show up everyday and suit up and get the job done.
Like the story of the tortoise and the hare, the one with endurance won the race.
When I look for potential staff I have learned to look beyond the shiny exterior of a potential candidate and try to see if this person is the real deal. I have found that the "Superstars" are rarely people with endurance. They hop from church to church and job to job. They carry a copy of their resume with them everywhere they go and are always trying to position themselves for something a little grander. If you don't believe me look at the sports world. Team owners that shell out the big bucks for a big name usually regret it. The players that take a job because the money is a little better, will probably become a free agent in a year or two and offer themselves up to the highest bidder again.
Give me a bunch of above average leaders who are loyal to the team and have endurance, and we will win a championship! I'm tired of flash-in-the-pan, one hit wonders.
A great Biblical example of endurance is Caleb. He kept on rocking for God well into his golden years with the same passion that he had when he was young---that's endurance!

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