Sunday, September 30, 2007


I don't usually blog on Sundays. After speaking at 4 services I am pretty much wasted. But tonight I thought I had to.
Today was an incredible day at Foothills Community Church. We have been planning, preparing and praying for today's service for a long time, and I have to say it was amazing. We told the story of the Prodigal son in music, video and with a message. The video was a really cool modern spin of the story, and then Carol Strickland sang the old Kansas tune, Carry on My Wayward Son. We also ended it with Eric Peters singing the Daughtry song, Home. Let me just say that the band just flat nailed it! (When they did Wayward Son in the 11:15am service I thought to myself, "Foothills has the best band I have ever heard!"----You guys and gals are incredible)
There were so many people in tears thinking about God's amazing, unfailing love for us.
We had right at 1,600 people today and the feedback I received was so positive!
We haven't tallied up all of the spiritual decisions yet, but it looks like tons!
These are the kind of days where I am reminded how blessed I am to be at a church like Foothills!

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