Tuesday, September 11, 2007

we always find time to do what we want to

I have a motto; We always find the time to do what we want to do. That is a fact.
Isn't it amazing that when my wife wants me to take the trash out, that I can't seem to find the time, but when a friend calls with an invitation to go fishing, miraculously my schedule always seems to have an opening?
I have some friends that have been inviting me to play basketball with them. I would honestly LOVE to play, but there's just one small problem. They play at 6:00AM!! On top of that, I live nearly half an hour from the gym, which means I would have to leave my house at 5:30AM.
For some reason, I just can't seem to be able to make that happen. (hunting season starts very soon. I will be able to find the time to be sitting in my deer stand by 6:00am-----go figure!)
There are many things like that; We wouldn't mind doing them, we see the benefit in doing them, but basically it takes just a little more effort than we're willing to give.
Spiritually speaking many times I am the same way. There are many things that I SHOULD be doing for the Lord, but I just don't seem to find the time to do them. And I have plenty of reasons or excuses why. Can you relate?
There is one word for this: PRIORITIES
Sometimes I just need to re-evaluate my priorities. Our priority list should be something like this: 1. God 2. My wife 3. My kids, and somewhere (much farther down the list) should be work.
How are you doing with your priorities?
What do you need to find the time to do today?

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