Thursday, September 27, 2007

Foothills is "real"

One of the most common compliments I hear about Foothills Community Church is that it is "real". Sometimes it may be worded differently, but essentially that's what they are saying.

I made a decision a long time ago. As a Pastor I could either stand up on stage and pretend to be perfect, and have it all together, OR I could just be "real." I decided that I was just going to be real.

Being real means that it's o.k. to let people know that you have struggles. It means that I still get impatient standing in lines. It means that I am not always a very compassionate person. It means that sometimes I lose my temper. It means that I'm not a perfect husband or parent.

There are many areas that I am trying to grow to become more like Christ. I'm a work in progress. I think that is what Paul was saying in Philippians 3:12 when he said, "I don't mean to say that I have already acheived these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ first possessed me."

If you are looking for a "perfect" church, led by a "perfect" Pastor, Foothills is not for you. But if you are looking for a place that is authentic and real maybe this is the place for you.

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