Wednesday, September 05, 2007

why we do what we do

Yesterday afternoon I was moving some things on my desk when I came upon a DVD from a Baptism Party from June. It just so happened that my family had to be out of town that weekend, so we missed the baptisms. I put the DVD in my computer and watched. I was moved to tears. I watched as person after person went under the water. It had a slow motion effect so I could see the people's expressions as they came up out of the water. It was absolutely incredible! Many of the faces I didn't even recognize, but God knew each and every one of them.
As I was watching, many thoughts rushed through my mind. When my wife and I started Foothills Community Church 9 years ago, we didn't know any of these people. We had no way of fathoming the amazing things God was going to do in the future.
I thought about the people being baptized. I wondered about their stories; about their lives to this point, and how God had this wonderful plan for them.
I thought about all the prayers of family members and friends that were prayed for these people, and now those prayers were coming to fruition.
I also thought about all the people we have not reached yet. The thousands of people in Oconee county and beyond that we would be priveliged to baptize in the years ahead.

Foothills family, we have been given an unbelievable opportunity to reach our friends and family for Christ. Keep inviting them to church, keep praying for their salvation.

This Sunday afternoon, we get to see more people baptized. maybe you are a person who needs to be baptized. Maybe you have invited Christ into your life, but have not taken that next step of obedience---Baptism. You can do that this Sunday.

At 4:00 pm we will be having a huge baptism party at Biggerstaff retreat center (if you don't know where it is, call the office, we'll send you directions). Come out and support those that we will be baptizing. Come and be inspired.

One last thing. I'm not sure if you realize it or not, but we have baptized 173 people already this year!!! Most likely when it's all said and done, we will baptize over 200 people this year. Let that sink in for a a moment. Is that incredible or what?

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