Thursday, July 26, 2007

words of wisdom -- part 3

Another thing I tell new church planters to make sure of, is taking your time when it comes to choosing who will be in leadership positions.
New churches have a way of attracting people who are looking to become a big fish in a small pond.
You must take time to get to know people before you invite them to become leaders. They must walk with God on a daily basis. They must share the values of your church. They must love you and have your back. They must be totally unselfish. They must be servants.
When I have people who come in and want me to fast-track them into a leadership position, I generally say something like, "would you be available to help sweep a floor or clean a bathroom?" If they look at me with that "you must be kidding. How could you expect someone as talented as myself to do something so menial?" look, I won't consider them for leadership.
Don't be in a rush to annoint someone as a leader. Take your time, and God will bring the right people.

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