Sunday, July 22, 2007

An incredible day!

Today was a phenomenal Sunday at Foothills for many reasons.
First it was fun to bring the message after two weeks off. The second reason is that I believe that the Lord did an amazing work in so many lives. I could sense the Holy Spirit at work bringing freedom for so many people today. In case you missed it, we are in a message series called "Livin on a Prayer". We're looking at some famous prayers in the Bible. Today I talked about David's prayer. Just 3 simple words, but so profound.... "I have sinned" David after a year of misery and trying to cover up his sin, gets confronted by Nathan the prophet and admits, I have sinned. Those 3 little words don't sound earth shattering, but they set David free from his gulit, shame and bondage. Those same 3 words are just as powerful today! There are so many people who are enslaved because of their past mistakes, but God stands and waits for us to just come to him and confess and receive His freedom.
No matter what you may have done. No matter how much you may have blown it, there is forgiveness at the cross of Christ.
One more thing, don't forget to pray for our teenagers who left for Bigstuf camp in Panama City (pray for the adult volunteers too!)

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