Thursday, April 30, 2009

random thoughts

** Had a great day hanging with some Pastor friends in Easley today. These guys challenge me and inspire me.

** We met at 5 Point Fellowship where my friend Dean Herman is the Pastor. Their building is located right next door to a funeral home with a crematorium. When I was leaving, a big cloud of black smoke came pouring out of a pipe on top of the funeral home and blew in my face. I'm guessing someone was in the oven. That was pretty gross!

** We ate at a Japanese restaurant for lunch. (before the crematorium incident)

** Really excited about Shine 09. Keep your calendar open for May 9th from 9:00am until noon so you can participate.

** My son Cole picked up his tux for his prom. He looks pretty slick, I must admit.

** Lots of people freaking out about the Swine Flu. Let's not panic.

** Great services planned at Foothills this Sunday---can't wait!

** Looking forward to playing basketball tomorrow morning, even if it is at 6:00am

** Speaking of basketball----Lebron James is ridiculous! My guess is that the Cavs go all the way.

** Can't believe that Adam was in the bottom three in American Idol last night. I'm picking him to win, although I would rather it be Danny or Chris.

** My 3 year old grand daughter has found where we stash the candy in the house. She has been caught eating candy 3 times in the last 24 hours ! She comes by her sweet tooth very honestly. Has to be genetic.

** My wife has been killing me in card games lately. I hate to lose----anything!

** Have you joined Foothills facebook group yet?

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