Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Last year while on vacation in Florida, my son Cole and I were fishing in a golf course pond. He was on one side of the pond and I was on the other side. Some golfers hit a ball near the water and one of the golfers said to my son, "hey son,what are you fishing for?"
Without skipping a beat my son said, "whatever bites!"
I have thought a lot about his answer, and from a fishing standpoint, it's not a bad strategy. Essentially he was saying, "it really doesn't matter to me, as long as something comes along and takes my bait, I'll be fine."

But unfortunately many people go through life basically approaching life that way. "Hey what are you living for?" "I don't really know. I'm just sitting here waiting for something to come along and take the bait." So many people go through life not really having a specific purpose.

Did you realize that God has a purpose for you? I meet so many people who are brand new Christians at Foothills, and they've never been able to figure what their purpose in life is. I know one thing that we're created to do, and that's to serve God and others. If you have never volunteered for a serving team at Foothills, you're missing out!

There are several ways to get plugged in. You can check off the box on your Foothills Flier for serving opportunities on Sunday. You can attend the BELONG Class the first Sunday of every month at Foothills. You can stop by the Welcome station and get information. And very soon you will be able to register online at our website. (we're in the process of finalizing a brand new website!)

At Foothills we're committed to helping you discover your life-purpose.

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