Friday, August 03, 2007

Back to 4 services

This Sunday we will be going back to our 4 service schedule. We gave all of our staff and volunteers an 8 week break for summer.
People ask me all the time, how do you preach 4 times in one day? Don't you get tired? Well, the answer is, sometimes you just do what you've got to do. When we started Foothills we said that we would do whatever it took to reach people for Christ in this area. God has blessed us and our building kept getting filled up, so we kept adding services, so for this season we will continue to do 4 services. but the answer to the second question is YES, I do get tired. This may not make sense unless you are a Pastor that speaks every week, but delivering a message drains you physically, and emotionally more than anything I know of. I must admit though, the most difficult service I speak at is the 6:00pm service. Mainly because I have already spoken three times that day. I get home at 1:30 or 2:00pm, grab some lunch and then I just kind of hang out and wait for 4:45 so I can head back to the church. It is during that couple of hours that I am home that I really start to feel it.
I am definitely looking forward to getting in the new building so that we can get back to something a little more doable, like 2 or 3 services on Sunday.
In the meantime, if you are currently attending the 9:45 or 11:15 service and you can switch to the 8:30am or 6:00pm service that would really help free up more seats during those prime times. We are still in summer and last week both the 9:45am and 11:15am were at 85% capacity. It's a fact that guests feel uncomfortable when they feel too cramped for space.

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