Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day

We live in the greatest Country in the World! We have freedoms people in other Countries only dream of. I am grateful for all of the men and women who have laid down their lives to protect our freedoms.
I am doing some relaxing today. Just spending some time with my family. Actually this whole weekend has been relaxing. Yesterday our Pastor of Student Ministry, Scott Chatfield did a great job giving the message. I was on a crazy schedule because it was the first Sunday of 2007 I was not speaking. I try to speak about 40-42 Sundays a year, so I will be taking more Sundays off.
When I am on an extended speaking schedule of more than 10 weeks in a row, I feel creatively challenged and need to step back and catch my breath. My friend Perry Noble told me that he heard that the adrenaline rush of speaking one time on Sunday takes about 8 hours to come down off (multiply that by 4 times because of our service schedule and you kind of get what I'm talking about.) If you've ever been driving your car and had someone suddenly pull out in front of you, and you barely missed getting in an accident----that's the same kind of adrenaline rush. It takes hours for you to settle down.
But, I am feeling rested up and am so excited about this weekend's message I'm doing called, "The Tunnel of Love." It will be alot of fun, sharing with couples about how to put a little romance back in their marriages! The feature song is going to be great. Don't miss it!!

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