Sunday, June 13, 2010

sunday review

Another great day at Foothills Community Church!

** God continues to blow me away. We had people saved again at both campuses!

** Week #2 of combined worship teams for both services= AWESOME!

** SonSports starts tomorrow. If you have a child, get them there. They will love it.

** I talked about "godliness" today, from 1 Timothy 4. Godliness is a very misunderstood thing, but we are told to live godly lives, which means we're to grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ.

** Got a chance to do some fishing Friday. It felt good to be on the water, and it was a bonus to catch some fish!

** Father's day is next Sunday. Make sure to bring your Dad to church with you. We're going to have some fun!

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