Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Things I learned from cleaning my desk

This morning during my quiet time I was reading from 1 Cor.14:33 "For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace...", I'm not sure if that was what inspired me, but I then decided to try to make some order of my desk.

When it comes to my desk, I have my own system of tracking where stuff is. I would describe my desk as organized chaos. But every once in a while, I get the urge to try to regain control.

Now in fairness to myself, I have been on a sermon writing frenzy over the last few months that has allowed me to work ahead by nearly 2 months, so my desk has research stuff for probably 6 or 7 sermons on it at one time.

It was amazing the things that I uncovered! Things that I had forgotten about completely were once again discovered.

I got to thinking about the church. People come in with cluttered lives, and slowly Christ helps them to regain control of their lives. Lost things are rediscovered, and a sense of peace prevails.

Unfortunately there is another side to this. There are some people in the church that never connect. They attend regularly for a while, but never get involved, and slowly the clutter starts covering up the joy of Christ in their lives, and before you know it, they're gone.

Every once in a while I'll run into someone at a restaurant or a store, and it dawns on me that I used to see this person attending faithfully, but they've slowly moved off the radar screen. Some end up at other churches (which is fine), but unfortunately some drop out of church all together. Clutter has a way of doing that.

Is it time for you to do a little cleaning and organizing? Why not start today?

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