Sunday, November 01, 2009

Sunday thoughts

A little different twist on my thoughts for Sunday, because I wasn't at Foothills this morning! I now it went great though.

Every once in a while, I will take a Sunday off from delivering the message and go and visit a church somewhere else. It's pretty cool, because I can be totally anonymous, and just worship.

This morning I drove to Lawrenceville, Ga. and visited 12 Stone Church. They are one of the fastest growing churches in America, and it's easy to see why. They had an incredible service. Great music, wonderful message, and some creative elelments that were awesome (No doubt, I came back with some great ideas for some future series!)

I have not been there in a couple of years, and this was the first time that I had been in their new facility---very cool!

I went to their 9:00am service, and I was surprised because it was packed--at 9:00am! Their auditorium seats around 2,500 people. They still had 2 more services after the one I went to.

The parking lot attendants did a good job of helping everyone get out pretty quickly, which was pretty amazing because it was full.

Every time I am away from Foothills visiting another church in another town, I always feel so humbled to be able to lead such a great church. I also come back with a new excitement.

Most of all, when I come back to Foothills, I realize how blessed we are. God is doing something very special right here in Seneca,SC and Tooca,GA!!

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