Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday highlights

** Celebrated our 10th Anniversary yesterday as a church--What an incredible milestone!

** Got a chance to share the vision of Foothills (again). I love talking about our vision!

** I'm more passionate about our vision today than I was 10 years ago

** Vision messages are "pruning" messages. They fire-up the people who love the vision, but they prune out people who aren't behind the vision.

** We had our second-highest non-holiday attendance--- and it was spring break!

** I shared that in the last 10 years over 1,000 people have become Christ-followers at Foothills --- that's 1 out of every 70 people in this county!

** Our best days are still ahead of us.

** Look out Toccoa, Georgia, here we come! We're about to get moving on our second location. The start up day will be in September. But between now and then there is lots to do.

I used a lot of exclamation points in this post. Can you tell I'm excited?!!

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