Thursday, March 01, 2012

Big Sunday planned

I have been looking forward to this Sunday at Foothills Community Church. You do not want to miss it.

We will be wrapping up the Social Networks series in a very cool way. Rather than tell you what we have planned, I'll leave you in a bit of suspense.

In addition to that, this Sunday at our Seneca campus we will introduce our new Student Pastor, Justin Terry. I'm very excited about that.

Speaking of student ministry.... on Friday March 9th, our annual event called, Ignite will begin! This is a life-changing event for so many teenagers. Be sure to pray that God will do some amazing things in their lives. I have copied some of the info that Brian Rhodes shared from the Ignite Facebook page so you can get a feel of what is coming up:

If you're new to IGNITE, here's a general description. Think of it as an entire weekend of Thrive! The weekend will include 3 main sessions, a concert, mission projects, and free time activities. Students will be housed at host homes with a group leader. Both the host home volunteers and group leaders have been thoroughly screened, and trained. Students will be grouped according to age and gender. This allows for a meaningful small group time where students and their leaders can follow-up on the main session.

This year we've chosen to do something a little different. In the past, we've brought in a single speaker from outside the group to teach. In preparing for this year's event, I felt that God was leading us to make this more of a “Big C” church event, so each session will be led by a Student Pastor from a local church. We're excited to have Jeremy Garret from Open Door Baptist Church and Shane and Nicole Frank from United Assembly of God leading two of our sessions. The third will be led some no-name dude from Foothills :) Worship will be led by Chase Callahan. He was with last year, and did a phenomenal job. We're pumped about having him back.

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