Tuesday, April 06, 2010

I want

I was cleaning off some stuff on my desk, and I came across this. I'm not sure if I've ever posted this before, but here we go:

I want Christ to build HIS Church

I want services that are Spirit-driven and Spirit-filled, not displays of human talent and effort.

I want Acts 2 miracles and community

I want messages that come from the overflow of the Holy Spirit working in my life, not some human presentation of facts.

I want the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to permeate every person that drives onto this campus, and to direct every person as they drive off of it.

I want to die to the selfish, self-promoting desires of my sinful nature. I don't want to care about the number of twitter followers or blog readers or how many facebook friends I have.

I want to celebrate the movement of God in other churches as much as I celebrate it in my own.

I want to be transformed more into the image of my wonderful Lord, who gave Himself for me.

I want live my life for the applause of God, not the applause of men.

I want to speak with the power and authority of Jesus Christ, not oratory brilliance or great eloquence.

I want to become more of a servant and less of a sergeant in my leadership.

I want my heart to break for lost people.

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