Monday, December 03, 2007

I love this place!

Today after our staff meeting I played a phone message that was left for me by someone who came to Foothills two weeks ago for the first time. It was awesome. I won't go into the details, but basically what the man said was that he was 51 years old and he has been looking for a place like Foothills all his life!
What is incredible is that those same sentiments are shared by hundreds of people. We get to hear stories of life-change on a very regular basis, and I never get tired of hearing them.
God is doing something very special at Foothills Community Church. I am honored to lead such a great church. The hearts of the people here are nothing short of amazing. People serve with a smile, they invite their friends, they embrace the vision and they love the Lord. What more could you ask for?
And the best thing is-----that our best days are still ahead of us! There is no telling what God will do through this church. Thanks for being the best church in the world! Let's continue to reach this community for Christ!

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