Wednesday, June 20, 2007

War, What is it good for?

I have been studying the book of 1 Kings, and today one of the things that jumped out at me was a statement that Solomon made about his father David in Chapter 5. He says that David was not able to build the Temple of the Lord because of the many wars waged againgst him.
As I thought about that statement I thought about the local church these days. If statistics are accurate, around 80% of churches are not growing. One of the reasons is that there is too much fighting going on inside the church to build it. There are a lot of Pastors out there that have a great vision from the Lord to reach the community and thus "build the church", but many congregations will wage war against the Pastor to prevent him from building it.
This comes in various forms, usually it has something to do with Change. Maybe the Pastor tries to change the music style, or read from a different translation of the Bible, or move the pulpit or sell the organ or cancel a dying sacred cow program, or change the structure to allow for more growth or add another staff...... whatever. The backlash from these things can be WAR against the Pastor.
Churches do not grow when there is internal turmoil. I have been in churches that when you enter the doors you can "feel" the disunity. It's nearly tangible. Generally a congregation that is in the "battle mode" will have very little laughter, joy and enthusiasm. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when a guest walks in, they probably will feel that vibe and decide to never come back.
I am so thankful for Foothills Community Church! There is such a spirit of love and unity. The excitement and energy when you walk through the doors is tangible. People look forward to coming together to worship corporately. There are no wars raging, no internal battles. The result is growth!! God is building HIS Church and the gates of Helll cannot prevail against it!!

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