Monday, January 22, 2007

Looking ahead

We just finished our weekly staff meeting. One of the things we discussed was our Easter services. After some great input we decided that we are going to be doing 5 services on Easter Sunday (7:15am, 8:30am, 9:45am, 11:15am and 6:00pm)
This is going to be a really long day, but we want to reach as many people for Christ as possible, which means that it's not always going to be convenient. I am extremely excited thinking about what might happen that day!!
Between now and then you can bet there will be a lot of planning and preparation to make it happen. But in the meantime I am extremely pumped about our current series that we began yesterday called "You To Be". We'll be looking at the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Yesterday we kicked it off with Faithfulness (I know, we're not going in the right order!) This week we'll look at Joy.
Don't forget also this Sunday (Jan. 28th) at 4:00pm we will be having our Groundbreaking celebration. Be here by 4:00pm with your shovel, family and friends, as we break ground Together! Then we'll head back inside the auditorium for about 20 minutes of Praise and Worship.

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