Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ready for Fall

Well it's hard to believe, but Summer is just about over. The kids are back in school. People are getting back to their normal routines, and the dog-days of summer are being replaced by the fresh winds of Fall.

From a church standpoint, we are seeing great momentum already. In fact, just in the last 2 Sundays we have seen dozens of people saved, 28 people baptized and over 50 people attend our Get In The Game class at one of our campuses! In addition to that, we have not only seen a huge increase in our overall attendance, but our Fall kick-off of Find and Follow small groups, have tons of people getting connected in a group!! By the way, if you missed this past Sunday, you missed one of the best services in FCC's history!

I believe that we are only seeing the beginning of great move of God at Foothills Community Church. I want to encourage you to be a part of it. Here are a few things you can do: 1) Pray for the leadership of FCC as we seek the Lord's direction.  2) Bring people with you on Sundays. Don't JUST invite, bring! 3) Be friendly! Make sure to take the initiative to make everyone feel welcome. It makes a huge difference. 4) Get connected. Find a small group to attend. Join a SERVE team. Don't just show up on Sunday morning for one hour. 5) Use social media to promote FCC to your friends. (If you have not LIKED FCC's Facebook page, that would be a great way to start!  https://www.facebook.com/FoothillsCC )

A couple of other big things coming up:
1) Don't forget that on September 15th, we will launch our 4th campus of FCC in Cornelia, GA. I cannot wait. They will be doing a preview/run-through service on September 8th and then the Grand opening the following Sunday (September 15th)! If you know anyone in that area, plese let them know. Here's some more info about it.
2) On October 6th, our Hartwell campus will be moving to a new location! We have been approved to rent the Hartwell YMCA for our services. This is incredible because it puts the Foothills name in front of literally thousands of YMCA members!!

See you Sunday!

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