It's been a busy time around Foothills Community Church. Here a few highlights:
* Last week we held our annual SonSports kids event. It was a huge success. Over 200 kids participated and 100 adults volunteered.
* 15 of those kids indicated that they were ready to begin a relationship with Jesus!
* Yesterday, was a fun day at FCC. Our attendance were definitely affected by the weather, but the services were great. It has always been a mystery to me how a little rain can deter some people from coming to church. To me, Church is the best hour of the week. No way am I missing it!
* We tackled the urban legend, Faith Fixes Everything. Faith is extremely important, but it doesn't fix everything. To watch the message you can check it out here. (It will be online by Wednesday)
* The weather also caused a little change in plans for our baptism party. With the forecast of 100% chance of rain, we decided to move it indoors to our concourse.
* I must say, I think having it inside worked awesome. Lots of people showed up, and it seemed like everybody had a good time.
* The best part by far, was that 21 people were baptized! It was so moving. I can't think of anything I enjoy more than baptism services. Congrats to all of those who stepped out in faith.
* I am really pumped about this Sunday--Father's Day. We are giving away some sweet prizes. Every man 18 or over will be eligible. In case you're wondering why? It's because unlike Mother's day, Father's Day is one of the least attended Sundays of the year, so we are giving Dad's a reason to get their families to church this Sunday. Let's face it, Dad's are instrumental in the spiritual direction of their families, and unfortunately many dad's have relegated their responsibility to their wives.
* This week's urban legend, The Church is For Perfect People. We are going to seriously debunk this myth.
* Make sure to be there Sunday, and bring a friend.