We kicked off our Revolution series yesterday, and I can already tell that it is going to be one of the best, and most helpful series we have ever done.
Yesterday I spoke about marriage. This is a message that I have wanted to do for about 3 years, but I felt that this was the right time to do it.
I tackled the very controversial marriage mandate found in Ephesians 5 where we are clearly give the roles and responsibilities of the husbands and the wives.
It's controversial mainly because it's misunderstood and misinterpreted.
The wife's responsibility is to submit to her husband, and the husband's responsibility is to love his wife.
There was a Gallup poll that said, "A wife should graciously submit to the servant-leadership of her husband-- 69% disagreed!
Submission is an unpopular concept and yet, in the context marriage it is meant to positive. The word submission comes from the words "sub" and "mission" (sub means to put under, and mission means the business with which such a group is charged.)
In a Christ-centered marriage the mission is to honor, glorify and obey the Lord---so essentially the wife is to voluntarily put herself under that mission. Submission does not mean that women are less important or inferior in any way.
Now, from the man's perspective, his responsibility is really even more difficult because we are charged to love our wives the way that Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. Which means that you are to treat your wife with love and kindness and gentleness and patience. No man has the right to disrespect his wife or put her down or abuse her--she is to be cherished, and honored. And husbands we will be accountable to God as the spiritual leaders of the family.
The message should be up on our website within a couple of days, so you might want to check it out.
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