Monday, April 30, 2007


My family likes to play games. Backgammon, Monopoly, Texas Hold-em, Rummy, Uno.... You name it, we probaly have the game. I have a confession to make. I don't like to lose. Actually, I Hate to lose! ( I want to clarify--I am not a sore loser. I just don't like to lose. If you beat me---I'll shake your hand. And then challenge you to play again!)
I have always been super-competitive. I can make a competition out of anything. I even compete against myself. Can I mow the lawn faster this week, than I did last week? Can I catch more fish today, than ever before? Stuff like that.
If I ever play a team type sport, I will be the guy that ALWAYS knows the score.
If I am playing some team sport, and I have teammates that aren't giving their all----or even worse, don't care if we win or lose, I can't handle that.
You probably are thinking that I should get therapy. (I probably should) But I have tried to take my competitive nature and leverage it for the good.
I have found after talking to tons of church planters, that a competitive nature may be one of the #1 qualities for success. And it is by far the least talked about. The people who are competitive will rarely quit. They will hang in there and keep swinging long after everyone else has given up and gone home. This may not sound super-spritual, but competitiveness can be a curse OR a Blessing! God can use everything about us. He created us the way we are. Don't apologize for it. Anyone up for a game of Rummy?

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